

External configuration that can be used to configure the style of a stacked bar chart


  • barWidth

    The bar width (for the stacked bar)

    number | null
  • categoryAxisStyle

    The style of the category axis

  • contentViewportMargin

    The content viewport margin: The space around the content viewport.

    Insets | null
  • gridStyle

    The style to be used for the grid

    GridStyle | null
  • horizontal

    Whether the chart is horizontal (true) or vertical (false)

    boolean | null
  • maxBarDistance

    The maximum distance between two consecutive bars. Center to center

    number | null
  • minBarDistance

    The minimum distance between two consecutive bars. Center to center

    number | null
  • remainderSegmentBackgroundColor

    The color for the remainder segment background. Usually white for light themes

    string | null
  • remainderSegmentBorderColor

    The color to be used for the border of remainder segments.

    string | null
  • remainderSegmentBorderWidth

    The width (in pixels) of the border of remainder segments.

    number | null
  • segmentColors

    The colors to be used for the segments of a stacked bar. Every string must denote a valid CSS color definition. If there are more segments than colors this array will be traversed again beginning with the first element (modulo).

    string[] | null
  • valueAxisStyle

    The style of the value axis

  • valueFormat

    The format to be used for values shown close to the bar segments

  • valueLabelColor

    The color to be used for the value labels; set to null to use the same color as the corresponding bar segment

    string | null
  • valueLabelFont

    The font to be used for the value labels

    FontStyle | null
  • valueRange

    The value range to be used

    ValueRange | null