- AxisStyle
- BalloonTooltipStyle
- BarChartData
- BarChartGroupedData
- BarChartGroupedStyle
- BarChartStackedStyle
- BarChartStyle
- BaseCategoryData
- BorderRadius
- BoxStyle
- BulletChartConfiguration
- CategoriesSeriesData
- CategoryAxisStyle
- CategoryBulletChartData
- CategoryChartOrientation
- CategorySeriesData
- ChartStyle
- CircularChartData
- CircularChartLegendStyle
- CircularChartSegment
- CircularChartStyle
- CompassData
- CompassStyle
- CrossWireStyle
- DataSeriesNumberFormat
- DecimalDataSeries
- DecimalDataSeriesStyle
- DiscreteAxisStyle
- DiscreteDataEntriesForDataSeries
- DiscreteDataEntry
- DiscreteDataSeriesConfiguration
- DiscreteEntryAggregationMode
- DiscreteTimelineChartConfiguration
- DiscreteTimelineChartData
- DownSamplingMode
- ElektromeisterPocChart
- ElektromeisterPocChartConfig
- EnumAggregationMode
- EnumAxisStyle
- EnumConfiguration
- EnumDataSeries
- EnumDataSeriesStyle
- EnumValue
- Fill
- FontStyle
- GridLineColorProvider
- GridStyle
- HasContentViewportMargin
- HistogramData
- HistogramStyle
- HistoryQueryDescriptor
- HistorySettings
- I18nConfiguration
- Insets
- JustifyTickContent
- LayoutDirection
- LineChartLineStyle
- LineChartSimpleData
- LineChartSimpleStyle
- LineStyle
- MapWithBarsData
- MapWithBarsStyle
- ModelChangeListener
- NumberFormat
- Orientation
- OverflowIndicatorStyle
- PointConnectionStyle
- PointConnectionType
- PointStyle
- PointType
- Sample
- SamplingPeriod
- Shadow
- Side
- Size
- StackedBarOnMap
- StripeStyle
- ThemeId
- Threshold
- TimeAxisStyle
- TimeLineChartData
- TimeLineChartLineStyle
- TimeLineChartStyle
- TimeRange
- Url
- Uuid
- ValueAxisPresentationType
- ValueAxisStyle
- ValueLabelsStyle
- ValueRange
- ValueRangeScale
- WrapMode
- Zoom
- createElektromeisterPocChart
- createElektromeisterPocChartFromElement
- createElektromeisterPocChartFromId
- setDefaultI18nConfiguration
- setDefaultTheme
The configuration of a line of a time-line chart For decimal values - use [EnumDataSeriesStyle] for enum values.
The (optional) thresholds for this data series. This object also contains the value for the threshold (which should not change very often) The thresholds are only visible, if the value axis for this decimal data series is visible.
Threshold[] | null
The format to be used for the tick values
NumberFormat | null
The axis title of the series
string | null
The value range to be used to scale the y-axis for this line.
ValueRange | null