

Defines how a time axis looks like and behaves


  • axisLineColor

    The color of the axis line

    string | null
  • axisLineWidth

    The width of the axis line

    number | null
  • axisSide

    The side on which to put the axis

    Side | null
  • axisSize

    The width of the axis (if placed on the left or right side of a chart) or the height of the axis (if placed on the top or bottom side of a chart)

    number | null
  • offsetAreaFills

    The colors to be used for the offset area. Every string must denote a valid CSS color definition. If there are more offsets than colors this array will be traversed again beginning with the first element (modulo).

    string[] | null
  • offsetAreaSize

    The height (horizontal axis) or width (vertical axis) of the offset area

    number | null
  • offsetAreaTickLabelGap

    The gap between the tick label and the offset area

    number | null
  • offsetTickLabelColor

    The color to be used for the tick labels displayed in the offset area

    string | null
  • tickFont

    The font to be used for the ticks

    FontStyle | null
  • tickLabelColor

    The color to be used for the tick labels

    string | null
  • tickLabelGap

    The gap between the end of an axis ticks and its label

    number | null
  • tickLength

    The length of a tick

    number | null
  • title

    The title of the axis

    string | null
  • titleColor

    The color of the axis title

    string | null
  • titleFont

    The font of the axis title

    FontStyle | null
  • titleGap

    The space that is added to the width (vertical axis) or height (horizontal axis) of the text box of the title

    number | null