- AxisStyle
- BalloonTooltipStyle
- BarChartData
- BarChartGroupedData
- BarChartGroupedStyle
- BarChartStackedStyle
- BarChartStyle
- BaseCategoryData
- BorderRadius
- BoxStyle
- BulletChartConfiguration
- CategoriesSeriesData
- CategoryAxisStyle
- CategoryBulletChartData
- CategoryChartOrientation
- CategorySeriesData
- ChartStyle
- CircularChartData
- CircularChartLegendStyle
- CircularChartSegment
- CircularChartStyle
- CompassData
- CompassStyle
- CrossWireStyle
- DataSeriesNumberFormat
- DecimalDataSeries
- DecimalDataSeriesStyle
- DiscreteAxisStyle
- DiscreteDataEntriesForDataSeries
- DiscreteDataEntry
- DiscreteDataSeriesConfiguration
- DiscreteEntryAggregationMode
- DiscreteTimelineChartConfiguration
- DiscreteTimelineChartData
- DownSamplingMode
- ElektromeisterPocChart
- ElektromeisterPocChartConfig
- EnumAggregationMode
- EnumAxisStyle
- EnumConfiguration
- EnumDataSeries
- EnumDataSeriesStyle
- EnumValue
- Fill
- FontStyle
- GridLineColorProvider
- GridStyle
- HasContentViewportMargin
- HistogramData
- HistogramStyle
- HistoryQueryDescriptor
- HistorySettings
- I18nConfiguration
- Insets
- JustifyTickContent
- LayoutDirection
- LineChartLineStyle
- LineChartSimpleData
- LineChartSimpleStyle
- LineStyle
- MapWithBarsData
- MapWithBarsStyle
- ModelChangeListener
- NumberFormat
- Orientation
- OverflowIndicatorStyle
- PointConnectionStyle
- PointConnectionType
- PointStyle
- PointType
- Sample
- SamplingPeriod
- Shadow
- Side
- Size
- StackedBarOnMap
- StripeStyle
- ThemeId
- Threshold
- TimeAxisStyle
- TimeLineChartData
- TimeLineChartLineStyle
- TimeLineChartStyle
- TimeRange
- Url
- Uuid
- ValueAxisPresentationType
- ValueAxisStyle
- ValueLabelsStyle
- ValueRange
- ValueRangeScale
- WrapMode
- Zoom
- createElektromeisterPocChart
- createElektromeisterPocChartFromElement
- createElektromeisterPocChartFromId
- setDefaultI18nConfiguration
- setDefaultTheme
The data model of the grouped bar chart
The categories to be shown.
(CategorySeriesData | null)[] | null