- AxisStyle
- BalloonTooltipStyle
- BarChartData
- BarChartGroupedData
- BarChartGroupedStyle
- BarChartStackedStyle
- BarChartStyle
- BaseCategoryData
- BorderRadius
- BoxStyle
- BulletChartConfiguration
- CategoriesSeriesData
- CategoryAxisStyle
- CategoryBulletChartData
- CategoryChartOrientation
- CategorySeriesData
- ChartStyle
- CircularChartData
- CircularChartLegendStyle
- CircularChartSegment
- CircularChartStyle
- CompassData
- CompassStyle
- CrossWireStyle
- DataSeriesNumberFormat
- DecimalDataSeries
- DecimalDataSeriesStyle
- DiscreteAxisStyle
- DiscreteDataEntriesForDataSeries
- DiscreteDataEntry
- DiscreteDataSeriesConfiguration
- DiscreteEntryAggregationMode
- DiscreteTimelineChartConfiguration
- DiscreteTimelineChartData
- DownSamplingMode
- ElektromeisterPocChart
- ElektromeisterPocChartConfig
- EnumAggregationMode
- EnumAxisStyle
- EnumConfiguration
- EnumDataSeries
- EnumDataSeriesStyle
- EnumValue
- Fill
- FontStyle
- GridLineColorProvider
- GridStyle
- HasContentViewportMargin
- HistogramData
- HistogramStyle
- HistoryQueryDescriptor
- HistorySettings
- I18nConfiguration
- Insets
- JustifyTickContent
- LayoutDirection
- LineChartLineStyle
- LineChartSimpleData
- LineChartSimpleStyle
- LineStyle
- MapWithBarsData
- MapWithBarsStyle
- ModelChangeListener
- NumberFormat
- Orientation
- OverflowIndicatorStyle
- PointConnectionStyle
- PointConnectionType
- PointStyle
- PointType
- Sample
- SamplingPeriod
- Shadow
- Side
- Size
- StackedBarOnMap
- StripeStyle
- ThemeId
- Threshold
- TimeAxisStyle
- TimeLineChartData
- TimeLineChartLineStyle
- TimeLineChartStyle
- TimeRange
- Url
- Uuid
- ValueAxisPresentationType
- ValueAxisStyle
- ValueLabelsStyle
- ValueRange
- ValueRangeScale
- WrapMode
- Zoom
- createElektromeisterPocChart
- createElektromeisterPocChartFromElement
- createElektromeisterPocChartFromId
- setDefaultI18nConfiguration
- setDefaultTheme
Enumeration configuration for an enumeration
A string description of the enum configuration "Name" of the enum
The possible values for this enum configuration. At least one value is required, at most 29 values are supported. Each values must have a different ordinal