

The configuration of the bullet chart


  • activeCategoryBackgroundColor

    The background-color to be used for the active category.

    string | null
  • barColors

    The colors to be used for the bar Every string must denote a valid CSS color definition. If there are more area bars than the size of the array, the array will be traversed again from the beginning (modulo).

    string[] | null
  • barSize

    The width (in pixels) of the bar. Height: for horizontal areas Width: for vertical areas

    number | null
  • categories

    The categories to be shown.

  • categoriesGridStyle

    The style to be used for the grid lines associated with the categories

    GridStyle | null
  • categoryAxisStyle

    The style of the category axis

  • contentViewportMargin

    The content viewport margin: The space around the content viewport.

    Insets | null
  • currentValueIndicatorColor

    The color for the current value indicator. Must denote a valid CSS color definition.

    string | null
  • currentValueIndicatorOutlineColor

    The color for the current value indicator. Must denote a valid CSS color definition.

    string | null
  • currentValueIndicatorSize

    The width/height of the current value indicator

    number | null
  • horizontal

    Whether the chart is horizontal (true) or vertical (false)

    boolean | null
  • maxGapBetweenCategories

    The min gap between two consecutive categories in pixels. Space *between* the categories - not center to center.

    number | null
  • minGapBetweenCategories

    The min gap between two consecutive categories in pixels. Space *between* the categories - not center to center.

    number | null
  • overflowIndicatorStyle

    The style of the overflow indicators (e.g. for bars)

  • showTooltip

    Whether to show tooltips

    boolean | null
  • thresholds

    The optional thresholds of the chart

    Threshold[] | null
  • tooltipStyle

    Style for the tool tips. The tooltip style must contain exactly two symbol sizes. * The first one is interpreted as size for the current value * The second one is interpreted as size for the area

  • valueAxisStyle

    The style of the value axis

  • valueRange

    The value range to be used

    ValueRange | null
  • valuesGridStyle

    The style to be used for the grid lines associated with the value axis

    GridStyle | null