
Timeline Chart

Visualize changing values over time

Example of the Timeline Chart

Basic Implementation

The Timeline Chart is our most complex chart and is comprised of two elements:

  • TimeLineChart component:
    This is the actual component, that renders the chart. You can configure the chart with the configuration prop.
  • useTimeLineChartController hook:
    This hook exposes methods to control the chart behavior at runtime and has to be passed into the chart component via the controller prop.
import {
} from '@meistercharts/meistercharts-react'

export function MyChart() {
  const controller = useTimeLineChartController()

  const config = {
    /* Chart Configuration Object */

  return <TimeLineChart configuration={config} controller={controller} />
For improved performance you should initialize the chart configuration inside a useMemo hook.

Display your own values

There are two steps necessary in order to display your own data in the Timeline chart:

  • Define the data series
  • Add samples to the chart’s history

Define Data Series

The timeline chart can display two different types of data: decimal values (e.g. the flow rate through a pipe) and enum values (e.g. the state of a valve). Each data series has to be defined in the dataSeries property of the chart’s configuration object.

const config = {
  decimalDataSeries: DecimalDataSeries[],
  enumDataSeries: EnumDataSeries[],

See the definition of the DecimalDataSeries and EnumDataSeries types in the reference.

Add Samples

Once the data series are defined, you can add values to each of the data series using the addSample or addSamples methods of the chart’s controller.

The id in the sample object has to match the id of the data series, that you want to add the sample to.


function MyChart() {
  const controller = useTimeLineChartController()

  const config = {
    decimalDataSeries: [{ id: 0, name: 'Flow Rate' }],
    enumDataSeries: [
        description: 'valve state',
        values: [
          { ordinal: 0, label: 'closed' },
          { ordinal: 1, label: 'open' }

  useEffect(() => {
    const timer = setInterval(() => {
      // ... fetch data from the backend
          decimalValues: [data.flowRate],
          enumValues: [data.valveState]

    return () => clearInterval(timer)
  }, [])

  return <TimeLineChart controller={controller} configuration={config} />
For improved performance you should initialize the chart configuration inside a useMemo hook.


This hook returns a controller object, that exposes methods to control the chart behavior at runtime. To connect the controller to the chart, you have to pass it into the chart component via the controller prop.

setUpDemoSets up a demo chart with random data.
addSampleAdds a new sample to the chart.
addSamplesAdds multiple samples to the chart.
clearHistoryClears the chart history.
getVisibleTimeRangeReturns the current visible time range.
getZoomReturns the current zoom level.
modifyZoomSet the chart’s zoom level.
pausePause the moving time axis.
playStart the moving time axis.
resetViewReset the chart’s view to the default values.


Sets up the timelinc chart with sample data series and data. This is only useful for demonstration purposes.


Adds a new Sample to the chart’s internal history.

controller.addSample(sample: Sample)


Adds multiple Samples to the chart’s internal history.

controller.addSamples(samples: Sample[])


Clears the chart history. All previously added values will be removed from the chart.



Returns the current visible time range of the chart (in UTC).

const timeRange = controller.getVisibleTimeRange()

This method returns a TimeRange Object.


Returns the current zoom level of the chart.

const zoom = controller.getZoom()

This method returns a Zoom Object.


Modify the current zoom level of the chart.

controller.modifyZoom(zoom: Zoom, zoomCenterX: number, zoomCenterY: number)

The zoom- Parameter is a Zoom Object.


Stop moving the time axis. New data can still be added, but the time axis will no longer move and the new data will not be visible.



Resume moving the time axis. The chart will jump to the latest data points that were added.


Reset zoom and translation.


Chart Configuration

The timeline chart accepts a configuration object with the following properties:

decimalDataSeriesDecimalDataSeries[]The decimal data series that should be displayed in the chart.
enumDataSeriesEnumDataSeries[]The enum data series that should be displayed in the chart.
styleTimeLineChartStyleThe style of the chart.
historySettingsHistorySettingsThe settings for the chart’s history.