
Bar Chart Stacked

Visualize portions of data that are part of a whole.

Example of the stacked Bar Chart

Basic Implementation

To render a stacked bar chart, you first have to set up a container in your HTML.

<div id="barChartStacked"></div>

Next in your script file, you need to import the meistercharts package and create a new instance of a bar chart.

const meistercharts = require('@meistercharts/meistercharts/meistercharts-easy-api')

const chart = meistercharts.createBarChartStackedFromId('barChartStacked')

This will render an empty chart with the default styles.

Add data to the chart

To add data to the chart, you need to call the setData- function on the chart instance with your data.

  categories: [
    { label: 'Monday', values: [2, 20, 10, 5] },
    { label: 'Tuesday', values: [30, 12, 3, 12] },
    { label: 'Wednesday', values: [15, 5, 10, 20] },
    { label: 'Thursday', values: [9, 18, 5, 6] },
    { label: 'Friday', values: [4, 7, 12, 33] },
    { label: 'Saturday', values: [8, 8, 16, 8] }

The setData- function will accept an object of the type BarChartStackedData.

Customize the chart style

You can customize how the chart looks by calling the setStyle- function on the chart instance.

  barWidth: 25,
  valueRange: {
    start: 0,
    end: 60
  // ...

The setStyle function accepts an object of the type BarChartStackedStyle.